About Kat Douglas

It has always been her thing to share her creations with others. Kat Douglas is a singer, songwriter, producer, goldsmith, artist i.e. drawing, and now fashion designer! Kat Douglas the brand was released in 2021 and was birthed from months of planning during the height of the global pandemic in 2020. It was the perfect opportunity to explore a new leg on her life's journey. In retrospect, her path to this point has been challenging. However, she relied on her faith in the CREATOR and followed her dreams, focusing on creating another facet to her creativity.
Kat Douglas brand
The Kat Douglas brand is clothing and accessories inspired by music, art, life's journey, the need for expression, and giving voice to the inner self through visuals. The initial launch of the brand includes t-shirts and hoodies with the declared faith tag line ‘WATCH MY GOD WORK’. This was the break out design based on Kat Douglas becoming a stranger in a strange land. As an immigrant it was never easy to pick up where she left off, from what she was doing before. She realized she had to pivot and figure out how to LIVE in the USA. During that time she saw the CREATOR show up for her time and time again and every time someone said something wasn't possible she would say "Watch My GOD Work" and it always worked out awesomely. So that became her mantra.
Her Why
Art and music has always gone hand in hand for Kat Douglas and during her times of trauma as a child, that was what she reverted to when she needed to lose herself. Looking back she said, she realized that it was maybe the only things that was constant and freeing, so it was no coincidence that she decided to marry them both and create this artist/music page which ties both of her loves together. She is the creative on both the music and t shirt designs. She may also add her drawings later on.
In her words:
"A friend of mine and I sat down to talk about what my life had been like in my past and what it is like now and from that, she and I wrote a song called DEAR ME. This song hit differently and made me see myself in my current state, with the realization that I am at peace with ME. Having started my music journey as an adult, I have paid many dues in the music industry in my home country of Jamaica as a backing vocalist for many local as well as international artists for example Sinead O'Connor, Diana King and Tessanne Chin. When the time came to sink my feet into being a solo artist I immigrated, which forced me to change gears and set music aside for a while. It wasn't until someone asked me if I wanted to join an all female band in 2017, that the music bug bit me again and started me going in that direction yet again."
Since leaving the band in 2022 Kat has been doubling down and has gone back into the studio to pursue her love of music as a solo artist. With her singles, "DEAR ME", "I'll Run", "Say That You Love Me", "She Knew" and "No one in the world", a cover of Anita Baker's amazing song, she started with a bang and has continue to churning out new music to keep her fans.
Visit the Music page for more.
Hit link below to hear DEAR ME
Hit link below to hear No one in the world (Cover)